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Lowongan Kerja PT Chevron Indonesia - Health, Environment and Safety (HES) Specialist

 Lowongan Kerja PT Chevron Indonesia

Selama lebih dari 90 tahun, Chevron telah menjadi produsen energi terkemuka di Indonesia. Kami terus berupaya menggali potensi energi Indonesia melalui inovasi, menghasilkan produksi minyak bumi dari ladang-ladang minyak.

Kemitraan Chevron dengan masyarakat dan Pemerintah Indonesia dapat ditelusuri sejak tahun 1924, ketika Standard Oil Company of California (Socal), kini Chevron, mengirimkan ekspedisi geologi ke Pulau Sumatera. Pada tahun 1941, kami melakukan pengeboran di Lapangan Duri. Teknologi steamflood pertama kali diterapkan pada tahun 1985, dan sekarang Duri menjadi proyek enhanced-recovery steamflood di dunia. 

Pada tahun 1944, salah satu sumur di dekat desa di Minas menjadi lapangan minyak terbesar yang pernah ditemukan di Asia Tenggara. Produksi pun dimulai di tahuun 1952. Lebih dari setengah abad, kami telah memproduksi lebih dari 12 miliar barel minyak dari lapangan-lapangan darat di Proviinsi Riau maupun lapangan-lapangan lepas pantai di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.

Lowongan Kerja PT Chevron Indonesia 

Saat ini, PT Chevron Indonesia  sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk lulusan / pendidikan S1, agar peluang diterima kerja semakin besar, pastikan bahwa anda telah membaca dengan teliti setiap informasi persyaratan kerja yang dibutuhkan, berikut kami informasikan posisi yang tersedia dan kualifikasinya.

Health, Environment and Safety (HES) Specialist

Employment is under fixed term duration (PKWT) with possible extension or permanent employment based on review.

Job Descriptions

The HES Specialist is responsible for supporting local management in establishing and continuously enhancing Health, Environment and Safety (HES) zero incident culture within the exploration and exploitation worksite including its compliance to various company and government regulation.
  • Provides technical consultation to the workforce, project teams and leadership on a wide range of environment’s applicable legislative, regulatory and assurance matters affecting exploration and exploitation of a geothermal assets including its site-specific environmental management related with forest status, air, water, soil, and groundwater issues. Support local management to ensure environmental management system are in place and functioning through project planning and execution including its managing monitoring and reporting programs. The support will include finding creative solutions to respond to potential evolving regulations and stakeholder concerns and required response for inquiries by government or non-government stakeholders through coordination with Corporate Affairs and other functions as appropriate in accordance with company procedures.
  • Monitor and manage verification of certifications and permits and their management system; Maintain management information systems that identify the location of hazardous sites, chemical inventories, and complaint investigations. Develop and recommend solutions to eliminate pollution and environmental hazards and their mitigations.
  • Assist line management to manage Zero Incident, their understanding on implementation of HES Management System; their roles to ensure HES policies and standards are an integral part of line management responsibilities and objectives. Advise management on the level of local HES compliance to Company’s, site’s, and Government Regulations.
  • Monitoring HES objectives; liaising with local contractors and agencies regarding company’s HES objective & expectation; assessing local risks; generating local HES procedures, work instructions and checklists; preparing and monitoring HES plans that define how the HES Management System is implemented at the site level.
  • Maintain a high level of HES awareness among personnel through communication, training and promoting involvement in HES programs. Coordinate and participate in screening and HES training of personnel, including contractors, monitoring compliance to policies, standards and procedures; compliance audits and self-audits including its corrective actions.
  • Ensure that HES documentation and information management is updated and available onsite. Monitor and follow up on HES reports and facilitate local empowerment team meetings and HES audits. Review HES data capture system to ensure that leading and lagging indicators/ data is correct and up to date. Analyse HES trends for the location and recommend improvements to the HES program.

  • University Degree in engineering, science, or relevant domains with more than 10 years experiences in environmental management and HES/facility roles. Has in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements, interpretations, and health and safety programs.
  • Has a broad level of technical proficiency on Environmental Management System Framework Development and Implementation, Environmental management standards including its specific sites requirement such as UKL/UPL/ AMDAL/RKL/RPL, Environmental Regulations and requirement related with forest management & permitting requirement for exploration and exploitation of a geothermal asset.
  • Has comprehensive HES knowledge among other: Workplace Safety and Health Hazard Identification and Risk, experience on Third Party HES Management, Incident Investigation Management, Audit and Review Management and Emergency Response Management.
  • Ability to use data, insights, and internal expertise to identify and solve problems at site/facility-wide application, understands how to read and navigate data, becoming proactive in core areas of expertise or areas of responsibility including seeking out matures new technology that can impact HES for its deployment. Effectively communicates and can train a BU/facility workforce. Able to identify deficiencies in training programs and management systems that impact HES.
  • Capable of providing work direction and serves as a mentor to less experienced workforce on the area of Environmental and HES management. Capable of providing technical training in a particular area of HES expertise. Manages additional and/or outside resources to meet objectives. Provides work guidance to lower functional level of HES employee.
  • Works independently or under management direction to proceed on own initiative and judgment. Act as HES functional representative when working together with Regulator. If required, directs investigations with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to utilize digital technology for information management system and demonstrates an understanding of how digital tools and processes can be utilized cross-functionally across a BU/facility to improve workflows on Environment and HES business processes.

Batas Waktu

1 Agustus 2023

Cara Melamar

Bagi Anda yang merasa memenuhi kualifikasi diatas dan tertarik untuk mengambil kesempatan bekerja di PT Chevron Indonesia , Anda dapat melamar pekerjaan ini melalui tautan berikut ini.

Lamar Kerja

*Hati-hati terhadap penipuan saat anda melamar pekerjaan, tidak ada biaya apapun saat proses rekrutmen ini berlangsung. Anda dapat menghindari penipuan dengan cara mencermati email dan web yang digunakan untuk lowongan pekerjaan. Perusahaan tidak akan bertanggungjawab apabila terjadi penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, dan hanya para pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan yang akan di proses ke tahap selanjutnya.

Pastikan untuk secara rutin memeriksa sumber informasi ini dan mengirimkan lamaran sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan dalam setiap lowongan pekerjaan yang Anda minati. Semoga berhasil dalam pencarian pekerjaan Anda!

Lokerlist merupakan sebuah situs informasi lowongan kerja berasal dari sumber-sumber yang jelas serta terpercaya. Kami akan memberikan informasi mengenai lowongan kerja ter-update setiap harinya, mulai dari lowongan kerja yang berasal dari perusahaan BUMN maupun SWASTA.

Apabila terdapat informasi yang di berikan salah atau keliru, Anda dapat menghubungi melalui laman Contact Us yang telah di sediakan.